story written by a crow who has standard 2 englishYA~YA~YA~YA~
i moan as the day approaches. the BIG day! i am finally going to the School of Ya-ing and feed-ing of the Birdie University. It is ranked 2nd in Singapore amongst all the birdie schools. I was worried i couldnt get a place there but fortunately, MaMa crow had prayed hard that i got my 1st choice at this Birdie University.
Before the fateful day, i had trainings from MaMa crow to strengthen my wings tho i scored distinction in flying for the EASY level in College. SHe thinks i need the strength to carry my stuffs into the hostels built in school. So i am leaving MaMa crow yet again! How i imagine my future nest to be. But i hate to make new friends! Sadly, MaMa crow and my fellow crowies all think i should give it a go-ahead.
After settling in and alot of hassle with help from PaPa crow. I went for all the medical tests and such. They tested me for the H5N1 bird flu virus, scared that i could pass it on and create a pandemic! oh no i wont, i am a healthy lil' bird well cared for! they they took an X-ray of my chest. i didnt have breasts, wonder why they check birds for breast cancer?! or isit pneumonia?
to be sorry to stop halfway, i am suffering from low blood levels. heh.
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