Tuesday, May 10, 2005


finally i get into this, my internet sucks, probably due to the place where e internet socket is, it got burned and yeah, resulted in v slow internet connections despite everythg. no wonder i wook 1/2 an hr to load a page in e past.

okay, i was rly in guilt and was self-pitying. i duno every little thing just got into my nerves, like deciding wad to have for dinner also just piss me out so much. i duno y i am like the piece of juicy beef in the Big Mac. FUCk, i just feel like scolding it, sth to vent all my frustrations.

i cant explain this, sth surreal and inexplainable. well, same old story, dun haf to repeat myself again. well, when i think of this more, i get into a more serious situation of self-pitying. but well, i decided to let go. and talking to Simon n Lichu cheered me up. Simon is funny where Lichu gave me some hope.

for e moment, i can only promise Simon that i will not try smoking THIS week. haha, for e future, i cannot guranttee.. hahaha, i feel like smoking n doping myself so much. i need drugs, i need ecstacy i think. FUCK, i shld just exercise some self control over myself

STOp those self pitying. i wana go dive, but i cant float or thread e water for 10mins, but i think i can swim like a drowning dog for 200m in a POOL, not in the open sea, so even if i am wiling to fork 1300 out for diving, i am unlikely to make it.

just hope uncle chee stop pangseh-ing me tmr n teach me go uphill. he is so inefficient. n e sky pls dun cry for me anymore, no amt of tears could do the work okay! ((: muack, just let me conplete my drivng course n i will be happy.

off for e yummy licious Ramly burger mom got for me! bye!

posted by shuxyn at 10:40 PM |


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